
Привет! Я Сева, разработчик сайтов. Design Lead Azur Games, Ex-designer Tilda Publishing. 46 сайтов попали в подборку #madeontilda. Пишите, сделаем с вами классный проект! Мой телеграм @seva_petrov
Can work with code

Types and prices of services
Quick task
Quick task. A small change in the website. It may be a design correction, payment system or website analytics setup.
Single page website
Landing page. Making a design and content for a single call-to-action page (e.g. event, product or service page).
120 000
Multi-page website
Multi-page website. Making a website with multiple pages and navigation between them.
150 000
Online store
Online store. Making a ecommerce website with cart, payment system integration and buyer email notifications.
150 000
Отрисовка иллюстраций
Custom task. Various changes in the website, or other category.
25 000
Аналитика и прототипирование
Custom task. Various changes in the website, or other category.
65 000
Заключаем с вами договор. Оплату можно производить на р/с ИП или как самозанятому
Contact the designer